PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE - PLEATS PLEASE FORWARD 4の通販 by shop|プリーツプリーズ イッセイミヤケならラクマ,PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE - PLEATS PLEASE FORWARD 4の通販 by shop|プリーツプリーズ イッセイミヤケならラクマ,FORWARD 4” Release Date : NOVEMBER 15 *The release month might be different in each country. A series of thicker fabrics with unique sleeve shapes. Wearer can enjoy a simple cargo pants,NEW ITEM : “FORWARD 3” The jacket series is made of thick fabric. The gusseted construction between the front and back parts of the jacket is designed for a comfortable fit. 厚手の生地を使用したジャケットシリーズ。前身頃と後身頃の間にマチを入れた構造に ,FORWARD 4” Release Date : NOVEMBER 15 *The release month might be different in each country. A series of thicker fabrics with unique sleeve shapes. Wearer can enjoy a simple cargo pants