レジデントノート増刊:あらゆる場面のClinical Prediction Ruleを使いこなす〜診断・治療方針が決まる、予後を予測できる! - 羊土社,レジデントノート増刊:あらゆる場面のClinical Prediction Ruleを使いこなす〜診断・治療方針が決まる、予後を予測できる! - 羊土社,Existing validated clinical prediction rules for predicting response to physiotherapy interventions for musculoskeletal conditions have limited clinical value: A systematic review - Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,Why You Should Be Careful Using Clinical Prediction Rules,Methodological standards for the development and evaluation of clinical prediction rules: a review of the literature | Diagnostic and Prognostic Research | Full Text