241: SHIGEO FUKUDA, Montreux Jazz Festival poster < Paul Rand: The Art of Design, 13 September 2018 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design
241: SHIGEO FUKUDA, Montreux Jazz Festival poster < Paul Rand: The Art of Design, 13 September 2018 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design,Pin page,音楽とアートの融合によるプロジェクト「MUSIC LOVES ART 2024 - MICUSRAT (マイクスラット) -」令和6年8月12日(月)〜 25日(日)の14日間にわたり開催 | 文化庁のプレスリリース,N I G H T M Ä R E - 🐦⬛ Artist: @kuroe16370547 (X) | Facebook,The Future of LED Outdoor Advertising | Go2 Productions