バッハ:ゴールドベルク変奏曲,Glenn Gould – The Goldberg Variations - The Complete Unreleased 1981 Studio Sessions – Box Set (11'' x 11'' 216 pages book edition in hardcover binding printed on artpaper, book includes full transcripts of studio talks and annotated scores, Special ,Glenn Gould 1955 Goldberg Variations for Live Performance LX,JSバッハ:ゴルトベルク変奏曲 BWV988 / グレン・グールド (JSBach : Goldberg Variations BWV988 / Glenn Gould) [CD] [国内プレス] [日本語帯・解説付],Amazon.co.jp: Bach: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 (1981 Recording): ミュージック